Do Sex Addiction Treatment Centers Really Help With Recovery?

February 28, 2022

Sex can be a positive, enjoyable experience that leads to deep connection. However, when a spouse becomes the object that fuels their partner's sex addiction, it no longer feels that way.

If you suffer from sex addiction, you are probably aware of the negative impact it has on your life. On the contrary, you may be in denial, as many addicts are. As a result, you may not recognize or allow yourself to see the harm your sex addiction is causing. Regardless, it's critical to understand the dangers of compulsive sexual behavior. Furthermore, it's vital to discover the best strategies to overcome your addiction.

Let's discuss how sex addiction treatment centers work and why they are the best resource for addiction recovery.

Is Sex Addiction A Thing?

Yes, it is a real thing. Sex addiction compels individuals to act sexually regardless of the consequences. Yet, there is controversy surrounding the actual diagnosis. As a result, you will not find sexual addiction listed in the DSM 5. As a result, it can make insurance coverage challenging for some.

Here's what we do know. Those with sex addiction have compulsive sex-related thoughts, urges, and behaviors. Likewise, they may have sexual cravings and compulsions they act upon, even if they don't want to. Another issue is negative emotions such as shame, fear, and guilt often follow their behaviors. Yet, despite consequences, they continue to respond to their impulses.

Over time, fantasy, planning, and engaging in sexual behaviors consume many areas of life. Likewise, reports that research indicates that drug addiction and sex addiction may work the same in the brain. This link may help us understand more about the addictive piece. For example, we know a rush of chemicals from the brain's reward system can lead to addiction.

Ongoing studies indicate there may be a mix of biological, psychological, and social factors. So, what may make you prone to sex addiction?

  • sexual trauma (particularly if you were sexually abused as a child)
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • relationship insecurity
  • impulsivity
  • emotional dysregulation (emotional dysregulation)
  • relationship issues

How Can Sex Addiction Treatment Centers Help?

The short answer is simple; treatment centers provide a safe environment for you to work on recovery without distractions. As a result, you're able to focus on healing and recovery. At the same time, you can acquire the skills necessary to overcome your sex addiction.

We live in a world that provides access to sites that fuel sex addiction, and that isn't going to change. Hence, the real need to learn how to live in recovery with technology all around you.

So, are you ready to enroll in our sex addiction treatment program and take the first step toward recovery?

What Types of Sex Addiction Treatment Are Available?

Sexual addiction treatment centers offer a unique approach for addicts to reclaim their lives. Going to a residential treatment center has many benefits. Likewise, it may be the first serious step towards overcoming your addiction. For many, motivation comes after a family intervention to encourage a loved one to seek treatment.

Treatment centers exist to provide a controlled, safe environment where you can work through issues and learn new skills. By design, sex addiction treatment centers help those living with addictions to sex and pornography.

Location is a factor in the outcome of a person's recovery. For example, trying to reach recovery while in the same environment, with the same stressors, is likely to lead you back to the same cycle.

Our facility is located in a rural setting, away from everyday distractions. As a result, you're able to focus on your healing and recovery.

In addition to offering a safe location, let's talk about what else a treatment center often includes:

  • Individual Therapy
  • Group Therapy
  • Medical Evaluation
  • Recreation Therapy
  • Therapeutic Exercise
  • Experiential Groups
  • Principles of Recovery Seminars
  • 12 Step Work
  • and more

Does Insurance Cover Sex Addiction Treatment Programs?

At Paradise Creek Recovery Center, we do not accept insurance. However, upon completion, we can provide you with the necessary documentation for reimbursement. Likewise, we provide an alternative to high-cost credit cards to assist patients in affording treatment. Through Prosper Healthcare Lending, you can apply for a healthcare loan.

Are Sex Addiction Treatment Programs are Available Near Me?

Let us show you why there is a reason for optimism. At Paradise Creek, we specialize in treating problematic sexual behaviors and sex addictions. As a result, we're equipped to help you reclaim your life. Likewise, we're here to help you get to the root of your addiction and heal. All this takes place in a dignified and respectful environment to get you well on your way to maintaining recovery.

Call us today to learn more about our services.

Contact Us

Corporate Office:
40 W Cache Valley Blvd, Suite 10A
Logan, Utah 84341
[email protected]
(855) 442-1912
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